Kamis, 07 Januari 2016




If we talk about herbal medicine then thought we would drift into traditional medicine, carrying medicinal, herbal shop that provides packaging for migraine headaches or colds. No one did because it is in the category of herbal traditional medicine. In other Asian countries, especially China, Korea and India for the rural population, herbal medicine into the first choice for treatment, even in developed countries is now a tendency to switch traditional kepengobatan especially herbal showed symptoms very significant improvement.From Susenas 2007 shows in Indonesia itself pains suffered by the Indonesian population amounted to 28.15% and of that number turned out to be 65.01% of them chose their own treatment using drugs and 38.30% are choosing to use traditional medicine, so that the population of Indonesia is assumed as many as 220 million people then who chose to use traditional medicine of approximately 23.7 million people, a very large number.Traditional medicine itself according to Law No. 36/2009 on Health covers the ingredient or in the form of plant material, animal material, mineral materials, preparation sarian [galenic] or mixtures of these materials that have historically been used for treatment. In accordance with Article 100 paragraph (1) and (2), a source of traditional medicine that has proven efficacious and safe use will remain preserved and guaranteed by the Government for the development and maintenance of their raw materials.

Traditional herbal medicine is herbal medicine made from natural ingredients. As of herbs blended into herbal powders and drinks jamu.Purpose as health benefits and warmth of the body

Hasil gambar untuk jamu beras kencur
Saffron-colored rice
 Kencur rice efficacious herbal medicine can eliminate stiffness in the body and as a refresher when discharged tonikom or work. By getting drink herbal rice kencur, the body will be spared from the aches and pains that usually arises when the work is too hard. In addition, rice kencur can relieve a cough and a proper steeping for herbal cough.

 Herbal medicine turmeric acid
Hasil gambar untuk jamu KUNYIT Jamu acid turmeric is said by most herbal herbalist as 'cool-ademan or Seger-to soon' which can be interpreted as a herbal medicine for invigorating the body or it can make the body becomes cold. Others say useful to avoid the heat in or canker sores, and makes the stomach grow cold. An herbalist said that this kind of herbal medicine is not well taken by a young pregnant mother nature facilitate connection with menstruation. There is also a herbalist who advocate drinking herbal turmeric acid for launch period 

Hasil gambar untuk jamu TEMU LAWAK
Efficacy Temulawak

Overcoming indigestionVarious health disorders in the gastrointestinal tract such as flatulence, dyspepsia, and indisgestion can be overcome with ginger. In 2006, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology stated that patients who experience health problems in the ulcerative colitis disease have improved by taking ginger supplements on a regular basis.Relieve osteoarthritisThe health benefits that this was already a famous both in India thousands of years ago. Ginger, or commonly known as Curcuma, has the ability to relieve inflammation, such as osteoarthritis.Overcoming CancerWild Ginger is also effective in treating cancers, such as breast cancer, colon, and prostate. Of the scientific journal "The Prostate", it is known that the content of curcumin in turmeric can inhibit the growth of prostate cancer. The University of Maryland Medical Center explains that by making the hypothesis that the Curcuma work to stop the blood vessels supplying the cancer growth.

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